Sitemap - 2022 - David Votoupal

SPLC's latest smear

Four steps for world peace

The treachery of Roya Hakakian and Masih Alinejad

Apartheid is back in universities


An industry based on threat inflation and lies

Verhofstadt's lie (and Biden, Putin and Parchizadeh)

The last thing Iran needs is another imported ideology

What Reza Pahlavi said and didn't say

The Iranian national uprising: one month in

When the mask slips

Iran uprising: let's lift the veil of the enablers

The enemy which isn't there

Finally, politicians with honour

The murder of Mahsa Amini must change everything

The hate within, the appreciation from outside

What will Gorbachev be remembered for

An Arab Royal Engagement

How will it end for Putin and Russia

Listen to the Iranian people. It's long ovrerdue

Constitutional change could be catastrophic

As Medvedev threatens Russia's neighbours, a Congressman emulates his behaviour

How to score a PR outreach own goal

Togo and Gabon: a seismic shift

The politics of a cult

Will Central Asia be the graveyard of the Empire?

Summer Solstice: More than just culture?

Ignorance is bliss

The Culture Flip

When "democrats" are afraid of democratic choice

Losing may not be enough for Russia

Tradition, Transition and Triumph

Iranian people are more united than ever. The world must support them.

Self-loathing produces a global menace

A new era in South Korean politics?

Delisting as virtue-signalling?

A Message for Mike Pompeo

The demonisation of Elon Musk is a ritual

The Molenbeek Experiment

On multiculturalism and empires

The meaning of flags

Still Captive Nations: The Freedom Fight Continues

Liberals, this is not your war

What Trudeau and Putin have in common

A Formula for Freedom?

An empire for me, but not for thee

A revolution in religion, or a return to tradition?

The 13 Days of Christmas