What will Gorbachev be remembered for
Reflections on the passing of Gorbachev and is there a double standard with South Africa?
The recent passing of Mikhail Gorbachev comes at a time when his ultimate legacy is as hotly debated as ever, in wake of Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine.
Gorbachev represented a generational quantum leap in Soviet leadership when he ascended to leadership of the CPSU in 1985. He was the first party leader to be born after the Russian Revolution and indeed after Lenin’s death. He presided over a regime which managed a powerful military coupled to a Third World economy, and Communism ruling over unwilling and resentful populations beyond the borders of the Soviet Union as much as within it.
To be sure, Gorbachev likely realised all this. But the reforms he unleashed would have far more radical consequences than he was able to control. The reactivation of long-simmering sentiments among the diverse peoples of the Soviet Union would lead to its dissolution in 1991 - and conflicts which have never been fully resolved since then. He was not, as mentioned in the above tweet, in favour of dissolving the said union but it was inevitable.
Of course, those ruling Russia today never accepted its dissolution, believing they are entitled to rule over their ill-gotten empire.
How Gorbachev will be seen will be interesting to contrast with PW Botha and FW De Klerk, the last two leaders of the National Party regime in South Africa. Botha presided over human rights violations and an upsurge in violence, but was also responsible for landmark reforms which led to the collapse of Apartheid. While under De Klerk, Mandela was released and the last remaining Apartheid laws were repealed.
But South Africa was also the holy grail of international liberal opinion, and a way for African nations to divert attention from atrocities against their own people. While sanctions against the Islamic Republic regime in Iran are anathema to liberals, sanctions against South Africa were seen as virtuous. And while the Soviets championed “anti-racism” worldwide (to subvert the West and hide Communist atrocities), racism was a fact of daily life in the Soviet Union - as Hugh Masekela was to find out.
None of this history is meant to be convenient for anybody. But it comes to light more than ever as the West grips with an identity crisis induced by active measures, while Russia continues to threaten the idea of national identity and independence.