Recently, a woman on a British TV program identified as an NHS worker said that that a person who voted for the Conservative Party didn’t deserve to be resuscitated. Even less surprising is the absence of condemnation by the Left which claims to represent “humane” and “compassionate” values.
In reality they don’t at all. Every now and then the masks slips about the intentions of the British Left (and elsewhere too) to demonise and persecute their political opponents when they have the leavers of power. Calling their opponents “fascist” or “Nazis” is a process of dehumanisation, similar to that used in Russia by Putin and his fanboys to demonise Ukrainians and other nationalities, as a pretext for genocide.
This appalling woman would be right at home on Russian state TV, or the terrorist apparatus of the Islamic Republic in Iran, both of which display a brazen disregard for human life.
This from November 2019 on Islamic Republic propaganda TV was actually promoting gruesome torture. We have been seeing more of this lately as Iranians fighting for their freedom have been murdered.
If politics today feels like an existential struggle, it is because the Left is being unmasked as to its cruel, violent intentions towards its opponents.
The left have cultivated a delusional self-perception of themselves as a cult like entity that 'blesses society' with their grossly distorted iteration of egalitarianism, humanity and virtuous morality.
In reality, their only attribute is one of perverse hypocrisy and enmity, which they liberally express in an endless eruption of acerbic vitriol towards any group or individual who fails to think exactly as they do.
The lovely lady from the NHS simply validates this perversion.
They are a soulless, morally devoid group of people who have moved so far beyond the parameters of basic human values and morality, that hatred and vindictiveness no longer trigger any form of emotional revulsion or reflex to this unconscionable behaviour.