The murder of Mahsa Amini must change everything
Leftist hypocrisy must not continue with impunity
The world’s attention has been focused on the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II and her funeral, and the predictably unhinged reaction of Leftist commentariat and their tribalist auxiliaries. But there is no need to go into detail on that, or is there? Well, of course.
A young Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, was arrested by the Guidance Patrol of the Islamic Republic regime and was savagely tortured. She later died in hospital as a result of torture. She is the latest victim of a regime which has carried out similar acts of brutality over its 43-year period of rule, but this has to change everything. Already, we have seen protests break out all over Iran, raising hopes that the despised regime will finally be overthrown.
But if I’m going to pontificate here, it’s well worth listening. Nowhere has the rank hypocrisy of the progressive elites been revealed than in their unhinged reaction to the passing of the Queen, and their silence in the wicked killing of a young Iranian woman and the brutal repression of protesters which has included the shooting of a 10-year old girl. The same celebrities who pontificate about Western society’s alleged wrongs have not delivered a single word of condemnation of this atrocity. There have been honourable exceptions.
Of course, because Western liberal elites don’t care. They can’t stage large protests and raise money off something that doesn’t fit their worldview. They can’t bring themselves to admit the regime’s brutality because it goes against their deeply held belief that only white Western people are capable of evil.
If we’ve learned anything from the last week or two, we have seen an open double standard endorsed regarding hate speech, bigotry and oppression. If you’re a “person of colour”, Muslim, Russian, Irish or Turkish, it’s clear you’ll be given a free pass on bigotry, hate speech and outright calls for genocide. Have you ever seen any forceful condemnation of Russian threats against Ukraine, Poland, Georgia or Kazakhstan? Any forceful condemnation of Turkish hate speech against Armenians and Kurds? No.
The death of George Floyd and the “deaths in custody” you hear about in Australia have been pinned as a collective responsibility on an entire race and nation. But so has the massacre in Christchurch (which Islamists like Erdogan cynically exploit as they do in Bosnia). But would we be allowed to pin the murder of Mahsa Amini on an entire religion or whatever else? Of course not.
One last thing: any attempt to hijack this latest wave of protests by MEK and ethnic activist groups, both of whom like the regime lobby are backed by corrupt Western elites, they are failing miserably. And that’s because the regime’s demise will also be their demise.
The world will be a better place once all of them - lobbies and all - are out of the picture.