The tide certainly is turning, and not a moment too soon.
The left's attempt at a cultural coup is finally being stopped in its tracks. But a structural realignment of our institutions, and the social values that were once the benchmark of Western civilisation is another matter entirely.
Sadly, even many conservatives have nudged their default position to the left on so many fundamental issues. Nevertheless, the first shoots of a cessation in the seemingly unabated march to left is a massive victory for common sense, and the preservation of Western nations.
Excellent article, David.
The tide certainly is turning, and not a moment too soon.
The left's attempt at a cultural coup is finally being stopped in its tracks. But a structural realignment of our institutions, and the social values that were once the benchmark of Western civilisation is another matter entirely.
Sadly, even many conservatives have nudged their default position to the left on so many fundamental issues. Nevertheless, the first shoots of a cessation in the seemingly unabated march to left is a massive victory for common sense, and the preservation of Western nations.