The screams of Lidia Thorpe the dying throes of a movement
Success of Royal Visit to Australia as republicanism fades
The visit of HM King Charles III and Queen Camila to Australia was a resounding success, showing up the childishness of our political class and activists. Senator Lidia Thorpe grabbed attention with her screaming, repelling most Australians. But her screams, along with the whines of Craig Foster and Graham Smith, are the dying throes of a failed movement.
Craig Foster and Lidia Thorpe have done more to kill off any prospect of a republic in our lifetimes than anyone. Even many republicans acknowledge this and have realistically conceded that most Australians simply aren’t interested in the issue. And I’m sure the same is true in other Commonwealth nations for whom Charles III is still head of state.
Moreover, four years after 2020, progressive overreach has finally met its long-overdue backlash. Even liberals know acknowledge it, and a good summary of why progressivism is unraveling takes you through the following:
open borders and lax migration policies, leading to the immigration of hostile people intent on destroying the host society. Since October 7 this has become all the more pressing, to the extent that calls for mass deportations are becoming mainstream in the USA, Canada and Europe.
postcolonialism and identity politics is about deconstruction of national identity and delegitimisation of the nation-state. The Black Lives Matter movement and hysteria over Canada’s residential schools in 2021 (despite not a single body being found). Australian voters decisively rejected this in 2023.
gender ideology in which criminal and insane procedures are being given “medical” and “scientific” respectability.
a horrifying euthanasia regime in Canada.
Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter (now X) and Mark Zuckerberg’s apparent retreat from liberal politics and attempt at reinvention have played a significant role in enabling this backlash, as avenues for freedom of expression on social media challenge the media-academia-NGO web which attempts to define what is or isn’t acceptable.
Finally, there has to be accountability for the damage done by progressives to our society, which will involve the dismantling of the academic and NGO networks responsible.
Excellent article, David.
The tide certainly is turning, and not a moment too soon.
The left's attempt at a cultural coup is finally being stopped in its tracks. But a structural realignment of our institutions, and the social values that were once the benchmark of Western civilisation is another matter entirely.
Sadly, even many conservatives have nudged their default position to the left on so many fundamental issues. Nevertheless, the first shoots of a cessation in the seemingly unabated march to left is a massive victory for common sense, and the preservation of Western nations.