The “Mahsa Charter” was far from universally well received by Iranian people, and HRH Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi has taken notice of this. This comes as no surprise given the negative feedback Hamed Esmaeilion has received.
There are many things wrong with the charter: the involvement of wildly unpopular figures, and the lack of emphasis on Iranian values and identity. Moreover, it is wholly unrepresentative of the largest group of Iranians who desire a return to a constitutional monarchy. They trust only Reza Pahlavi to be their leader.
Hopefully this will mean that the “Mahsa Charter” and the imagined alliance is dead before it can even begin its work. There is nothing to be gained from working with such undesirable people as Hamed Esmaeilion, Nazanin Boniadi and Abdullah Mohtadi.
Besides the lack of inclusion and transparency, there is also a lack of realism in the supposed principles of the charter. The Middle East has seen almost every ideology - Baathism, Communism and Islamism - implemented with disastrous results. Virtually every republic in the region has ended this way. It is evident that only monarchies are proven satisfactory form of governance for the region.
We warned people that persistent calls for “unity” among those with irreconcilable differences would and in tears. And we’re right. There is no unity with people who will not consider the majority of opinion, and listen to those who dare to question them.