The fruits of an unholy alliance
The Left's claim to oppose racism, fascism, imperialism and war are shown to be a sham with its choice of allies
Last year, everyone apparently decided they would be an expert on race relations. This year’s fashionable cause, apparently, is to make themselves an expert on all things Middle East.
But it gets even better. Because in progressives’ claim to be opposed to be opposed to racism, fascism, imperialism and war, their choice of causes and allies has shown themselves to be doing the very opposite. And any talk of peace is being undermined by the threat to unravel one of the most important foreign policy accomplishments of the Trump presidency. But here we will examine how the Left’s use of terms such as anti-racism, anti-fascism, anti-imperialism and anti-war are rendered hollow.
Anti-racism and anti-fascism
Firstly, the Left’s use of the term “fascist” is now so wide it has no real meaning anymore, just as it has with the word “racist”. It means now anyone who is to the Right of the hard Left, even if one has moderately left-of-centre views. I’m not kidding here. As the historian Stanley Payne noted, they think they’re fighting an enemy that isn’t really there. And in 2021, an Asian-American like Andy Ngo has become a hate figure for these people.
In the wholehearted embrace of the anti-Israel cause and an alliance with Islamists, the Left’s claimed morality on racism and fascism is exposed as a sham. They have chosen an alliance with the most viciously anti-Semitic movements, and regimes such as the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran which not only promotes anti-Semitism but fiercely persecutes dissidents and minorities. Their claimed commitment to “human rights” is thrown out the window as the fraud it truly is.
This has filtered down to the wider multicultural and race relations industry, where professed anti-racists are known to whitewash virulent anti-Semitic and anti-Armenian sentiments in certain communities, and the cause becomes a cover for extremist Islamist and IRA apologists. The ability of them to do so, frequently with the cover of charitable status is an ongoing problem.

Anti-imperialism and anti-war
Two other tropes used in the wider anti-Western campaign is “anti-imperialism” and “anti-war”. In their eyes, it’s “Western imperialism” which is a unique evil and other forms of imperialism are to be whitewashed - whether it is Soviet imperialism or the expansionist goals of other regimes. The British Empire is consistently condemned, but the Soviet Union and the Ottoman Empire are ignored.
We all saw what a crock this was during the Cold War and after. The Soviet Union sought both to subvert the West and gain power over the “Global South” in wake of decolonisation. It is impossible to separate the advancement of these agendas. And how “liberation heroes” in Africa such as Sekou Toure, Kwame Nkrumah and Robert Mugabe produced tyrannical failed states.
In the Middle East, the Baathist regimes in Iraq and Syria professed “anti-imperialism” while invading and occupying the neighbouring countries of Kuwait and Lebanon, respectively. Did the “anti-war” crowd protest to this in the first place? Of course not, because they’re not really opposed to war per se, but are sympathetic to the other side. It suits their warped ideology and worldview.
The so-called Islamic Republic of Iran is also a standard bearer of “anti-imperialism”, but has used proxy forces in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen and spent money to keep the Assad regime in Syria alive. Protesters in Iran since the end of 2017 have consistently taken a stand against the regime’s foreign adventures. But will the “anti-war” crowd support them? Absolutely not. You see, it doesn’t suit them. They’re not against war, and they’re not for any kind of peace.
More people have been killed in wars in Yemen (since 1962) and Syria (since 2011) than the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Soviet Union and other Communist regimes have persecuted Muslim populations, often amounting to genocide. The Iranian regime, likewise, persecutes anyone who doesn’t conform to their version of Twelver Shia Islam. And we could go on and on here.
What we are dealing with here are people who have used BLM and Middle East issues to reveal their hatred for Western democracies, capitalism and freedom. We are dealing with one of the biggest threats to our freedom, prosperity and civilisation in our lifetimes. This is the Unholy Alliance decades in the making.