Omarova and Smollett: two defeats for Communism in America in a week
But Saule Omarova and Jussie Smolett highlight a very real danger: an ignorance of Communism
I admit I am writing this in a jubilant yet cautious manner. Because the withdrawal of the nomination of Saule Omarova to exercise control over the United States’ financial system and the conviction of actor Jussie Smollett represent two significant victories for the American people over those whose intention is subversion, division and destruction not only of the United States, but of all the West.
How are the two cases related? One word: Communism.
Yes, that’s right. Saule Omarova may be one of the most dangerous nominees ever proposed by any American administration in living memory. Having been raised and educated in the Soviet Union, she was a member of the Communist youth group Komsomol - and contrary to what her “liberal” defenders maintain, membership of it and indeed any Communist structure was never mandatory for Soviet citizens. Most did not join, and likely could not anyway. Even among those who did join Komomol and the Communist Party, especially in later years, it’s fair to say that ideological conviction was lacking - there simply wasn’t the zeal or will to maintain an evidently failing system.
But unlike many such people, Omarova has never been on record as repudiating Communist ideas. Like Vladimir Putin, she’s clearly fond of some Communist ideas - and the evidence suggests that she not only believes in them, but intended to impose her ideas on a banking system with consequences for much more than one country. That she could even get this far on American soil should disturb far more people than it already has.
And so, Jussie Smollett. He staged a hate crime hoax, his histrionics designed to play on people’s emotions in a way we saw with BLM protests last year - something most Americans are really getting sick of, as the Virginia election proves. He was supported by the entire liberal establishment in politics, media and culture. Yet he isn’t a big name actor - many of us didn’t know who he was before this “incident”.
However, Smollett’s political family background and connections are “impeccable” - being literally tied (through his mother) to the anti-American, anti-Western radical Left whose long-term goal is the subversion and destruction of our civilisation. Smollett’s mother was and is a friend of Angela Davis, who in turn was a disciple of Herbert Marcuse. Hence, he felt he was protected and could get away with the hoax.
This is no small deal. These are the people who laid the ground work for our present-day race relations hysteria in the English-speaking world. Communists, recognising that their “Class War” was a failure, began preparing the groundwork between the two World Wars for the subversion of the West by replacing class with race. This gave rise to postcolonialism and identity politics in the postwar period, with multiculturalism and “indigenous peoples” ideology being created as a replacement ideology for the foundations of the English-speaking world.
Part of it, too, has been to create a lack of awareness of the unequalled crimes of Communism throughout history - with over 100 million deaths it is the biggest killer in human history. A lucrative industry, meanwhile, has been created to talk about race relations and the imagined threat of “Nazis” and “white supremacy” apparently lurking at every corner, supported by NGOs and lobby groups with extensive funding.
Even more disturbing is not merely the fact that Omarova and Smollett could get so far (even if they’ve ultimately failed). It’s that many, if not most, Americans are simply unaware of how deeply Communism has penetrated many aspects of national life, and this is not exclusive to the United States but is now evident through many Western democracies. It has been a long-term project designed to undermine and demoralise from within, and must be exposed before it is too late.