May 9: A "victory" for what, exactly?
To many, Russia's celebration of Victory Day every May 9 amounts to whitewashing a terrible history
Every May 9 in Russia (and in among Russian communities abroad), the celebration of Victory Day is a display of brazen triumphalism matched by very few. But what, exactly, are they celebrating? Many Russians will tell you it is a proud patriotic triumph of theirs, also shared by citizens of some republics once under rule of Moscow. And that’s also part of the problem here.
For you see, what Russia is really exhibiting its whitewashing of a truly terrible history. The “victory” they celebrate was not a victory for anyone but those who believe Russia’s dishonest interpretation of history. They deny that the occupation of the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) was the illegal occupation that it was (other regions of the Soviet Union had been occupied for even longer). The imposition of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe that was to last 40 years, and the spread of history’s most destructive and murderous ideology around the world.
What’s worse, is that in the West today, there is a lack of awareness about the evil of Communism which greatly helps the Left advance its agenda, and allows Russia to avoid scrutiny for its historical dishonesty. Just as anyone in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and countless others. The Ukrainian Famine and the terrible persecution of Ukrainian Catholics (Armenian Catholics also suffered under Soviet rule). Or the terrible fates suffered by Crimean Tatars, Chechens and others. The mass deportations that took place throughout the rule of Stalin. And the Doctor’s Plot (Stalin truly was a latter-day Haman).
Just as Turkey continues to arrogantly deny or downplay the suffering of Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks in first two decades of the 20th Century, so Russia continues to arrogantly deny the suffering and deaths of tens of millions resulting from Soviet policies and expansionism. And this is all aided and abetted by the same people who want you to believe that Western nations are irredeemably wicked by nature. Huge numbers of Russians continue to admire Stalin despite overwhelming evidence of the crimes he perpetrated.
Here is proof you need of what they really think in Russia’s ruling elite:

And here are people calling out Moscow on its brazen dishonesty:

And if you want to know more, watch The Soviet Story.
That’s all that you need to know, and more.
Tsarist Russia was good and Soviet Russia was evil. Tsarist Russia was a peaceful country, which never was a colonial power, unlike Great Britain, France and Spain. Soviet Russia was an atheist tyranny, which invaded and oppressed other countries. The Putin regime is better than the Soviet regime, because it supports the Orthodox Church and tolerates monarchism, but its promotion of Stalinist nostalgia is wrong. The Russian monarchy ought to be restored. Grand Duke Georgi Romanov shall be the Tsar of Russia.