Two seemingly unrelated events, but both reflective of the struggles of the world we live in.

The first concerns the Aban Tribunal and an incident in which which “human rights” activist Shadi Amin took issue with an Iranian patriot displaying the country’s true flag. This comes two years after the massacre of November 2019 (corresponding to the month Aban in the Iranian calendar), in which Iranian protesters were murdered by regime forces.
Iranians throughout the world, on social media, have reacted very strongly to this by displaying their flag, pride and patriotism. This incident has galvanised patriotic Iranians and drawn a clear line between them and their opponents - whether it is regime apologists, regressive Leftists, MEK or ethnic identity activists, all of whom are hostile to the Iranian nation, patriotism, the Pahlavi monarchy and the constitution. It should be made clear that there are “activists” who cannot and never will be trusted by patriotic Iranian people.

Next up, the Poland-Belarus border crisis, with the neo-Communist Lukashenko regime in Belarus (with Russia’s connivance) using migrants to threaten Poland and other countries in the region.
Once more, inconvenient facts abound. The incident further galvanises the already robust patriotism of the Visegrad nations - Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia - and others in the region. It is a rebuke to the anti-nationalist, anti-Brexit and open borders Woke crowd on both sides of the Atlantic, for whom any expression of national identity and patriotism is anathema.
Eastern Europe, having experienced Communism, will not have a bar of it. And they are determined to do this not only in their own national interest, but broadly in that of Western Civilisation.
What the two incidents show is how the patriotic people of Eastern Europe and Iran have common enemies. These enemies are the “Red and Black” alliance of Leftists and Islamists, people who despise the idea of national independence, identity and culture. In the Iranian case, they actively seek like all ethnic identitarians do to deconstruct Iran’s ancient culture, history and traditions through revisionist history. The Western Left also shares with Russia a dishonest view of Soviet history and the atrocities of Communism which they deny.
It also makes it more baffling to see why some “neoconservative” lobbyists like Mike Doran, who purport to be patriotic Americans, would side with the ethnic identitarians and deonstructionists where Iran is concerned.
The first line of the Polish anthem says “Poland is not yet lost”. And never have these words rang truer than now. The spirit of freedom and patriotism must inspire all freedom-loving people everywhere, in the interest of self-preservation and national liberation.