Disinformation defeated: the anti-Pahlavi campaign failed spectacularly
Fake opposition shows it has no traction
Recently, a disinformation campaign against the Pahlavis and Iranian monarchists has been waged by the fake opposition (Madness Cult) affiliated with Masih Alinejad and Hamed Esmaeilion, and especially amplified by such people as Alireza Nader, Mariam Memarsadeghi and Yashar Ali.
Well, the campaign failed because Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi has given multiple media interviews recently, whereas the main aim of the Madness Cult had been to discredit him and undermine his access to media and public figures in the West.
The failure of the Madness Cult is attributed to their lack of authenticity and lack of any real popular base among the Iranian populace at home and abroad, which increases their reliance on the Western liberal elite who they’ve long tried to cultivate as allies. It may also be that some of those attacking the Pahlavis are doing so because they’re trying to impress liberals with their hysteria over an alleged “far right” movement in existence.
It isn’t just the fake opposition which has failed, but also their Western allies. Iranians won’t be fooled.