December 13: The Red and Black Alliance in Poland
Donald Tusk's return to power is a predictable nightmare for Poland and the Free World
Poland, as a the bastion of anti-Communism, patriotism and national conservatism, is in great danger. The December 13 Coalition government led by Donald Tusk, including leftist and liberal parties, is hell bent on punishing patriotic Polish people. They are hell bent on dismantling the legacy of good governance left by the national conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party which has been an inspiration for patriots worldwide.
What's happening in Poland now is a coup against the nation by globalist elites. It is similar to the coalition of Red and Black which came to power in Iran in 1979 to create the Islamic Republic nightmare.
In fact, what they're doing to Poland now they also tried to do to Iran through Georgetown. The globalist elites backed by the EU, Clinton and Soros networks are trying to save their crumbling empire.
The divide between patriots and globalists exists in most democracies. In Poland, the patriots in PiS and allied parties are fighting against the globalist agenda of PO and the December 13 Coalition of left-liberals.
In Iran, the division is between nationalist and monarchist Iranians and those who are against the Pahlavis and belong to the Lunatic Cult around the Georgetown figures. There are two clear sides in these struggles. One are people who believe in their country, culture and identity. The other are people who despise their country and culture and worship Western liberalism.
Masih Alinejad, Hamed Esmaeilion, Abdullah Mohtadi, Alireza Akhondi, Nazanin Boniadi, Kaveh Shahrooz, Roya Hakakian and Mariam Memarsadeghi are every bit as stooges of the globalists as Donald Tusk, Szymon Holownia, Agnieszka Holland et al.
Iranian patriots and monarchists are natural allies of European patriots. They can be found in patriotic parties throughout Europe. We see the allies of Esmaeilion, Akhondi et al working in league with the people who want to destroy Poland.
Patriots must come together, can and will defeat the liberal globalist enemy who are only firing desperate salvos now to preserve their grip on power.