Anti-Communist education is needed in more than just Florida
More states and countries badly need to tell students the truth about Communism's unequalled evils
The failure of the education system throughout the Western world - by which I mean Western Europe, North America and Australia - has been the lack of awareness of Communism’s atrocities in contrast to those of fascism and Nazism. Anti-Western bias continues to manifest itself in education, teaching children to believe the worst about their own countries and Western Civilisation in general.
Well, one state has been fighting back. Florida under Governor Ron DeSantis, whose stock among conservatives continues to rise, intends to teach students in the state about the evils of Communism and tyrannical regimes. This is long overdue - but it gives hope that the tide can be turned in education bias, one of the major sources of the West’s contemporary problems today.
The 100 million deaths caused by Communism is without equal in history. Yet it has long been given a pass, unlike fascism and Nazism which are rightly condemned beyond the pale of civilised discourse. Furthermore, migrants from Eastern Europe and other places impacted by Communism are often at the forefront of confronting this very menace, and their stories and that of countless others need to be told.
The lack of awareness of Communism’s atrocities in the West, along with Russia’s continued whitewashing of them, is what has allowed the Left to march through Western society and exercise its claimed moral and cultural authority unchecked. It is easy for them to do this when all you do is call someone “fascist”, “racist”, “Nazi” or “white supremacist” and that amounts to something as good as a punishment without due process.
This is also because of two misconceptions most people have, that a) the threat of Communism ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and b) the Left’s shift from class politics to identity politics was the result of a). In fact, the Left’s shift to identity politics began decades earlier, when it was clear that “proletarian revolution” wasn’t going to go as planned.
Communists needed something new in order to destroy Western Civilisation, and the deconstruction of the West through race politics (postcolonialism and identity politics) was put in place in the years following World War II. Hence the Left’s main weapons to change the world were through identity politics in Western democracies, and postcolonial “liberation” ideologies in the “Global South”, namely in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Meanwhile, Islamists largely absorbed these percepts with a religious cloak.
Anti-Western ideologies have come to dominate arts, social sciences and humanities, creating people hostile to Western Civilisation and its achievements while simultaneously reaping its benefits. This has made education institutions incubators of radicalisation, far more than places of worship could ever be.
Western democracies need to educate citizens about the evils of Communism if they are to continue to survive in their present form, as a biased education system risks creating a generation of people who are highly ideological and will possess fundamentally anti-democratic instincts, threatening our way of life.
Great article. A detailed account on communism’s atrocities and progression in America can be found in Tom Iceland’s new book: Communism Returns|Takes the West