Actually, Communist Russia was more racist than South Africa
Soviet propaganda on race and colonialism bore no resemblance to life under its rule
South Africa is back in the news again, with its recent descent into chaos and anarchy, and naysayers saying “I told you so”. Well, they were right - because 27 years of ANC rule in, alliance with the South African Communist Party (SACP) which wields considerable power without ever contesting an election on its own, has reduced the country to a corrupt kleptocracy and approaching failed state status if it isn’t already.
Once again, a replacement ideology - African nationalism and “decolonisation” - has been implemented with disastrous social and economic results, and consequences far beyond its borders. But South Africa was the holy grail of international liberal opinion in the 70s and 80s (and like all such causes, used in the Culture War to implement agendas domestically).
The mess in South Africa has its roots in the strategy devised by the ANC and SACP in the 80s, when it implemented a strategy known as “People’s War” to make South Africa ungovernable. This included violence against black political opponents with the aim of eliminating any viable black-led political alternative to it (Buthelezi was once the most popular black leader and also widely respected among white South Africans). All this while it sought support and recognition from the international community as the voice of South Africans… or as a government in waiting.
If you want to know more, read Anthey Jeffery’s People’s War or watch Tainted Heroes.
The Soviet Union’s strategy was one of expanding its power in the “Global South” through “anti-imperialism”, and aimed at subverting Western society by implanting the idea of guilt about its own history, using “anti-racism” as a weapon. All the evidence for this is out there and its consequences are with us today. The Left abandoned class politics decades ago and began to use race relations as its basis to subvert Western nations and their institutions.
But the reality of life under Soviet rule was vastly different. While Soviet front groups promoted “anti-racism” and “anti-imperialism” globally, the Soviet empire as its capital was a highly racist society, building upon the Russian tradition of imperialist expansionism and subjugation of nations. After all, they followed the footsteps of imperial Russia by partitioning Poland, and they illegally annexed the Baltic states to add to the prison house of nations under its rule.
Genocide and forced removals of entire populations was a modus operandi under Stalin, as Ukrainians, Chechens, Crimean Tatars and others experienced. Soviet citizens had to carry pass books with them, with their ethnicity mentioned on these documents. People from the Caucasus and Central Asia were discriminated against in Russian society and often referred to as “chorniy” (чорный), which means “black” in Russian but denoted “brown” peoples from territories under the rule of Moscow. Not to mention discrimination against Jews and settlement of Russians in Estonia and Latvia under occupation…
Despite the causes of “anti-imperialism” and “anti-racism” championed by Soviet front groups and agents, Africans who visited the Soviet Union were treated to a radically different experience when they arrived. None more so than South African jazz musician and anti-Apartheid icon Hugh Masekela, who even said that he found Soviet Russia to be more racist than South Africa. Patrice Lumumba University, meant for African students, was referred to as “the zoo”.
In contemporary Russia, this sort of racial prejudice persists against people from the Caucasus and Central Asia. There have been racist murders of Armenians, Azerbaijanis and Tajiks in Russia (which has not altered those three countries’ close relationship with Moscow). That’s not to mention the slow-motion cultural genocide facing a number of ethnic groups in the country.
So why have these things not been discussed much in the West? Because Western progressives prefer to pretend it didn’t happen, just as they like to believe that Communism wasn’t the most murderous ideology in human history. Russia continues to promote its dishonest version of history, showing no contrition for the Baltic annexations, partition of Poland, imposing Communism on half of Europe and spreading it around the world. And because there are still Leftists who maintain some kind of allegiance to their “motherland”.
Russia could invest in a propaganda campaign and lobby for its dishonest history to be promoted, but this may not be necessary since progressives tend to believe it anyway. But the likes of China and Turkey actively seek to exploit the West’s fractures on race, while making them look the other way when it comes to their own naked racism, with lobbyists aiding and abetting them.
The West and specifically the English-speaking world is consumed by self-hatred brought by decades of a disinformation campaign by our enemies. Race is a powerful tool for them to use, in order to conceal their vastly greater misdeeds. In Moscow, Beijing and Ankara they understand this impeccably.